Welcome to BKM.Mannesmann AG The manufacturer of modern waterproofing systems
Effective remediation concepts against damp masonry come from BKM.MANNESMANN: The waterproofing experts from Kamen specialise in the manufacture of innovative products against moisture and dampness in mineral masonry and in procedures for mould removal.
For this purpose, BKM.MANNESMANN AG uses both product lines developed in-house as well as proven formulas and recipes from acquisitions of other companies.
Certifications from independent material testing laboratories are an important part of BKM’s quality management and are available from various institutes. BKM products are highly regarded internationally and are already exported to more than 20 countries.

The company bears the legendary name of the Mannesmann family from Remscheid and is represented on the supervisory board by Reinhard C. Mannesmann. The name of the Mannesmann family stands for numerous significant inventions and groundbreaking developments.
The Mannesmann process developed by Reinhard and Max Mannesmann in 1886 for the production of seamless steel pipes from the solid steel block – by rolling alone – is still used worldwide more than 130 years after its invention. The multi-flash, the first electronic flash for professional photographers, is also a Mannesmann invention. Mannesmann even led the way to rational housing construction. In 1908, Max Mannesmann patented a method for erecting houses from industrially prefabricated parts. Further patents concerned heat and sound insulation as well as their practical fastening.
From then on, it was only a small step to improving and protecting houses from moisture and the resulting problems, which BKM* and its team took up to develop modern construction chemicals for reliable waterproofing systems.